Learning Objectives


1. To discover the relationship between cultural influences and the architectural development in South Vietnam

2. To have a deeper understanding of urban planning issues and the interplay of the matrices of determinants involving physical attributes, commercial feasibility, social fabrics as well as political factors in particular relating to Generation Z (Those born between the early 1990s and the early 2000s).

3. To be aware of the impact of rapid urbanization on the environment and the need for sustainable development in the urban planning process.

4. To gain an insight of Singapore’s strengths in urban planning and sustainable environmental management skill-sets

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 2 Reflection - Jaime Pang

Photo 1:This shows a alley full of rubbish in the district where the poorer Vietnamese stay 

Vietnam is broken into many districts,they are arranged according to their dialect and communication language.

Photo 2:This shows a building that has a structure similar to buildings that can be found in Paris
Many buildings in Vietnam have structures and designs that are adapted from buildings overseas.
Photo 3:This shows a catholic church in Vietnam
As a communist country, Vietnam allows their people to choose their own personal religious beliefs and build places for such purposes.

1 comment:

  1. Jaime, you might want to go deeper and see from where is these adaptations in point number 2 being adopted from.

    Point number 3 talks about religious freedom here in Vietnam. You might want to note that not all communist countries adopt such religious freedom.
