Learning Objectives


1. To discover the relationship between cultural influences and the architectural development in South Vietnam

2. To have a deeper understanding of urban planning issues and the interplay of the matrices of determinants involving physical attributes, commercial feasibility, social fabrics as well as political factors in particular relating to Generation Z (Those born between the early 1990s and the early 2000s).

3. To be aware of the impact of rapid urbanization on the environment and the need for sustainable development in the urban planning process.

4. To gain an insight of Singapore’s strengths in urban planning and sustainable environmental management skill-sets

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 4 Reflection - Chong Guang Jun

Waiting to board the ferry
Planted mangrove shoots

What I have learnt: 
Can Gio Biosphere — Can Gio is not connected to the city, it is an island by itself, and can only be accessed via the sea. The island is huge, a very large swamp, filled with mangrove trees and the wildlife that lives in it. An example would be the mudskippers, hopping around on mud.

Some trees found in the Can Gio Biosphere have their roots sticking out of water. This serves as thorns that birds living in the trees use to protect their children from being stolen by other animals. We could also see poisonous trees which poison most probably comes from the sap.

There were residents living in the Biosphere, and they were paid to take care of a certain area of the biosphere, per hectare. They built their houses on water or on the mud, with wood and some with leaves. We interviewed the owner of a house, and found out that the money they earned was enough to support the whole household, which includes paying for petrol, water, and electricity. I felt quite sad for them, but from the owner's face, he looked very calm and there was a hint of cheerfulness in him.

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