Learning Objectives


1. To discover the relationship between cultural influences and the architectural development in South Vietnam

2. To have a deeper understanding of urban planning issues and the interplay of the matrices of determinants involving physical attributes, commercial feasibility, social fabrics as well as political factors in particular relating to Generation Z (Those born between the early 1990s and the early 2000s).

3. To be aware of the impact of rapid urbanization on the environment and the need for sustainable development in the urban planning process.

4. To gain an insight of Singapore’s strengths in urban planning and sustainable environmental management skill-sets

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 5 reflections - Pei Shan

Eastern International University

A Picture of the trees at VSIP I

VSIP 1 and VSIP 2

VSIP stands for Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park.
At VSIP 1,
The trees, flowers, and roads really reminds me of Singapore's Changi Airport.
The roads had many many bumps, which is exactly like in Singapore.
I find it pretty good as the traffic in Vietnam is pretty dangerous so the bumps would slow the vehicles down. There were different lanes like in Singapore too. However, many of the citizens there do not really care about those lines so they would drive anyway they want. They also had a kennel.
There were many companies there. Like Yakult (only for the Vietnamese), Huggies, etc.

Why do companies set up their factories there?
-Cheap Labour
-Cheap Land

VSIP I covered a total area of 500 ha
VSIP II Covered a total area of 1000 ha. It is currently expanding as it has many empty spaces.
There is a university in the Binh Duong Province which is called the Eastern International University.
It is a new university, covering 26 hectares. It has only 3 schools so far. Nursing, Business, and engineering. It would have more schools in the future when there are more students.

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