Learning Objectives


1. To discover the relationship between cultural influences and the architectural development in South Vietnam

2. To have a deeper understanding of urban planning issues and the interplay of the matrices of determinants involving physical attributes, commercial feasibility, social fabrics as well as political factors in particular relating to Generation Z (Those born between the early 1990s and the early 2000s).

3. To be aware of the impact of rapid urbanization on the environment and the need for sustainable development in the urban planning process.

4. To gain an insight of Singapore’s strengths in urban planning and sustainable environmental management skill-sets

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 2 Reflection - Carisa Chan

1 of the 3 things I learnt today is that the Vietnamese build their houses with a small front because the houses were charged according to the width of the front of the house. This led to many houses having a narrow front and a long depth. These houses also may have multiple levels to increase the space in the houses. These houses are called rocket houses or noodle houses.

Photo 1: Rocket houses packed closely together

Another thing that I have learnt today is that the religion of the Vietnamese people is not homogeneous and the people have several religions. Today we visited a Catholic church, Muslim mosque and Hindu temple. From these places, we can see a vast variety and the differences between the religions that the Vietnamese worship.

Photo 2: A picture of the Catholic church we visited
The third thing I've learnt today is that Vietnam has its electricity wires above ground, so they are suspended from pole to pole and is wired into the Vietnamese peoples' homes. There are some advantages of having the electricity wires above ground. One is that buses cannot be too tall or else they might hit the wires. Also, when it gets warm, the wires will expand and will suspend lower whereas when it gets cold, the wires will contract and the wires might snap if it is not suspended low enough originally.

 Photo 3: A picture of the electricity pole taken outside the Chinese temple we visited

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