What I have learnt :
Firstly, conservation of forest is very important especially when deforestation is a crucial topic to all. The presence of forest doesn't just makes the color of the environment more vibrant, but it plays a bigger role. Deforestation leads to various topics, the use of land, global warming, greenhouse gases, habitats of animals, etc. Therefore, deforestation should not be a problem if everyone plays his part to contribute to the protection of forest. In this case, everyone can contribute to the Mangrove Forest Protection Management Board to protect and develop sustainability of the Can Gio Mangrove forest in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Secondly, water and oil are very limited since there is a wide use of it, this demand also lead to a high cost of resources. The family we visited spends at least half of their income to purchase petrol for transportation. 50% of a family income is something we will never find in Singapore.
Lastly, the residents, living and taking after the Can Gio Biosphere live a simple life. Although they may not be rich and living a luxurious life, they cherish and live their life to the fullest. Everyone of us should have the very basic gratitude towards what we have now, since all of us are blessed.
Nice to see your observations regarding the cost of resources and the impact it has on the family.