VSIP logo (Singapore's partnership with Vietnam)
The urban planning of the future VSIP 2
The entrance of the sewage treatment plant
3 things I have learnt:
1. Vietnam is an ideal place for investors because the Vietnamese has the necessary skill sets and abilities, are more intelligent compared to other developing countries (e.g Cambodia, Laos). Ho Chi Minh City is also not an earthquake prone zone, so it will not affect the business industry because there are no disasters. The city has about 7 million people, and many of them do not have job opportunities. Because of this, many will get a job (e.g Teacher, Cleaner, etc) when the new urban area is developed.
2. VSIP 1 has a vast variety of factories--From Kimberly-Clarke to Yakult--. The surrounding area is much like Singapore, with wide pavements and roads. The road plants and trees are also very similar to Singapore plants. Many lamp posts and gates look just identical to Singapore. The buildings are also built horizontally than vertically because land is cheaper in Vietnam-unlike Singapore where limited land space costs very expensive and building vertically is very costly because of the mechanical systems and lifts. The higher the building gets, the more expensive to build the lifts.
3. VSIP 2 is the future urban area of Vietnam--There is a cultural center, river, university and residential which can hold up to 125,000 people. It is international, which gives foreign people to live there. This year during September, the university will house 1,000 students while it prepares for teachers and workers. The designs of this area are all made by Singapore companies-Surbana, NUS School of Design and Research. There is also a copycat made by Vietnam called VHIP (Viet Houng Industrial Park) where the "dirty" stuffs are manufactured here (e.g Textiles) and a new sewage treatment plant. The roads were halfway constructed to the dirt tracks. It is very small unlike Singapore's, and this industrial park will take many years to catch up. The VSIPs appears to be in-charged by the company Becamex.
Well written. However do take note between writing facts and opinions though, esp. in part 1. Cheers.